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Allowing genetically engineered salmon on fish farms sets a bad precedent and puts nature at risk.

The Canadian Environmental Act (CEPA) hasn't kept up with the dramatic developments in the field of genetic engineering. Genetic pollution could cause irreparable and irreversible damage to wildlife as we know it. Add your voice to make sure Bill S-5, Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act, is passed at the House of Commons.

About this

You’re probably familiar with environmental pollution, like plastic litter. But a new technology is putting nature at further risk: genetically engineered organisms. If they enter the wild, these unnatural species can have unintended impacts on both wild species and ecosystems. 


Outdated environmental laws have allowed Canada to become the first country in the world to approve (with ease) the production of a genetically engineered animal, a transgenic salmon, for human consumption. If this salmon were to escape and breed with already at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, it would change wild stocks forever.


And as you know, precedents matter. The aquaculture industry is now experimenting with other genetically engineered seafood including trout, tilapia, bream, shrimp and so on.


But today, we have an urgent and unique opportunity to protect nature from genetic pollution. The Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) has not been updated since 1999. The Government has introduced Bill S-5, a bill to amend CEPA. It was passed by the Senate in the Spring and now goes to the House of Commons.


Senators adopted some of Nature Canada’s amendments and now we are asking MPs on the House of Commons Environment Committee to support these amendments and further strengthen the Bill to protect wild animals from the unintended consequences of genetic engineering. We must protect nature from the risks of genetic engineering as well as ensure Indigenous Peoples' rights to food sources and ways of life are respected.

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Liberal Party of Canada
Member of Parliament
Government of Canada, Conservative Party
Member of Parliament
Government of Canada, Liberal Party
Liberal Party of Canada
Conservative Party of Canada
Member of Parliament
Government of Canada, Conservative Party
Taylor Roy
Liberal Party of Canada
Member of Parliament
Government of Canada, Liberal Party
Member of Parliament
Government of Canada, Liberal Party

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